
Central Army Sports Club The most titled club in Russia, oddly enough, was not the first champion. Generally, to play basketball cska did not start as the Central Army Sports Club, and as the Central Red Army House. However, the club was founded in 1924 year - four years before the foundation of the respective Houses. To win the championship for the first time the ussr championship in a game of basketball cska took 7 years. For the first time the army team won the All-Union Championship in 1945, which was very, very symbolic. In the next two years in basketball cska played a little less bright, which resulted in the 2 nd place in 1946 and the third - in 1947. Later, in fact, the whole team went into the Air Force Club of wmo, the newly organized Vasily Stalin, and several years as a contender for the 'gold', but the team wins the son of the Leader and not scored. In 1960 cdka was still cska Moscow, and another decade later, a team led by Alexander Gomelsky, under the strict guidance of which cska won 9 (!) titles. In 1980, the Gomel was succeeded by his disciple Yuri . Under him the club won the championship of the Soviet Union still 7 times. Already in the Russian championship record of Gomel repeated Stanislav Eremin: bright basketball cska Moscow in the 1992-2000-m - is entirely to his credit. Further, followed by two disastrous seasons in a row (2001-2002), when cska lost their medals. However, in the period from 2002 to 2008-th years of the army team again won the titles one by one others. cska is also a 6-time winner of the tournament, which is now called the Euroleague, a 3-fold the Cup of Russia and empionom nebl.
Plasterboard In order to make a ceiling made of plasterboard, we need the following: Tools. Water level, hammer, screwdriver or electric drill, angle measure twice for right angles, a knife for drywall, fishing line. Materials. Dowel nails, best 6 x 60 mm, 4 mm screws on the metal, the so-called "Seeds" screws for plasterboard, U-shaped pendants, ceiling profiles UD (28-27 mm) and SD (60h27 mm). And the actual ceiling drywall sheet 1200 * 2500 * 9 mm. If the profiles are smaller than the length or width room, you must purchase low elements. This can ask the seller-adviser. The ceiling can be single storey and three-tiered chetureh. For illustrative purposes, consider making a two-tier ceiling. First level. 1. Determination of the horizontal. Be measured height in all corners of the room. Choose the lowest angle, retreating down 4-5 cm and with a water level mark making. Then, using paint repel the cord line previously defined standards. So how do the ceiling of plasterboard for the first time we have at this stage suggest to approach the work very seriously. As they say, look before you leap! 2. Through the profile of drill holes in the wall for dowels, and then fasten it to the UD-profile (28-27 mm). 3. On the ceiling, holding the parallel lines in increments of 60 cm by the lines held on the dowel screw the nails of our U-shaped mounting hangers. 4. We stretch the line and on it at with screws anchoring the SD profiles for suspension. If the length of the room longer than the profiles, then build them using the previously acquired to connect the elements. Between the longitudinal profiles of the transverse ribs must be secured rigidity. If you plan on mounting fixtures, but he probably will, at this stage should be icing...

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