
Minimalism For minimalism characteristic rejection of subjectivity, representation, illusionism. Rejecting the classical techniques of art and traditional art materials, minimalists use industrial and natural materials simple geometric shapes and neutral colors, small volumes, use the serial, conveyer methods of industrial production. Having the most complete development in painting and sculpture, minimalism, interpreted in broadest sense as artistic means of saving, and has found application in other arts, especially theater and cinema. Minimalist in design and architecture, characterized by brevity means of expression, simplicity, precision and clarity of the composition. Minimalism is a continuation of the ideas of constructivism and functionalism. Beginning of the twentieth century was characterized by rapid growth of the industry, the advent of new technologies. Abruptly changing the pace of life. Imposing, slow the nineteenth century gives way to a swift and assertive new century. As a social life now actively involving all sections of the population, not just the aristocratic elite, the lifestyle is largely simplified, and getting rid of the conventions. When using the simplified architecture style minimalist houses, the interiors are deprived of lush decor. Minimalism with his simple shapes and limit the functionality of each detail of the interior is the style of the future. One of most popular ethnic varieties of minimalism is Japanese minimalism. It is often used partitions, screens, fabric or wood blinds, straw mats and concise accessories, bouquets, flower arrangements, figurines, sculptures. Zoning area is performed by color of the floor, translucent fabric or glass sliding doors with frosted glass, with lights in the walls, floor or ceiling.
Cape Gamow Another fish, the hunter deserves attention - is the mullet. In summer for feeding into the bay Knight comes a lot of this fast and very tasty fish. I must say that hunting of the mullet in the bay Knight is somewhat different from we are used to film the Black Sea hunt. You will not see thousands of schools of fish, for the shooting that you do not even need to be submerged. All a bit more complicated and more interesting. I would divide the hunt for mullet in the bay into two types depending on time of day. Morning and afternoon, especially in sunny weather, mullet actively feeding in the thickets of Zostera at depths ranging from a half to five meters. Fish behave very cautiously. And at the slightest danger darts off with great speed. Clear water is largely complicates the problem. In such circumstances, the strategy works well conceal. The fact that any fish to objects on the surface, is more cautious than the objects lying on the bottom. Recommend that you add to are more goods to neutral buoyancy you had at a half to two meters. Plunging softly and moving slowly among the thickets of Zostera, be prepared to meet any time with nursing the fish. The second method suitable for the evening hunt. By the end of the day the fish stop feeding, going in flocks and migrate to waters of the bay. In this situation, I usually find the right place at the bottom among the separate beams of algae growing at depths of between two and half to four feet and I do haul out, lying face-to-coast. Gun at arm's length body perfectly still. Fish tend to go after one and a half minutes and is followed parallel to the coastline....

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