
Middle Ages Moreover, in terms of , a reliance on comic folk culture not only contradicted the humanist ideals of Rabelais, but rather in harmony with them and even helped their promotion as' carnival spirit is a deep foundation of Renaissance literature. " As noted by in his book 'Art of Francois Rabelais and the folk culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance' 'No matter how scattered, disconnected and isolated individual' private 'body and things - the realism of the Renaissance, not circumcised umbilical cord that connects them with generating a body of land and the people. For example, the 'rehabilitation of the flesh', characteristic of humanity, and srodstvenna correlated with the 'grotesque conception of the body', with a predominance of 'material bodily principle of life "inherent in popular culture. Comic folk culture, as ancient, archaic by its origins, nevertheless anticipated some of the fundamental philosophical concepts that are specific to modern times. During the Renaissance, the indestructible hierarchical vertical medieval official representation of space ('The Great Chain of Being') replaced the historic horizontal: movement in time. In the grotesque concept of the body is going through the formation, in the popular-festive games, the subject of which was a fun course time, was born a new sense of life and historical understanding of the progress of mankind '. Wed in the text of the book : 'And so grotesque images to their essential relation to the time change and their ambivalence become the primary means of artistic and ideological expressions of a powerful sense of history and historical change, which is the exclusive power has awakened in the Renaissance. .
Canto General But at the same time it could be said that any concern for a human sector in particular, as in the song, is an implicit concern by all mankind. Does not deny the humanism of Neruda, but it is said that you holding a special type of humanism. This humanism is based on the redemption of the class or category of the exploited, subordinated or alienated or if you want to ninguneados in the case of Neruda the American man. In Marxist theory, humanism focuses on the class that assumes the exploitation and suffering of humanity; the proletariat, and from there to redeem himself frees or done to humanity. In Neruda, this proletariat takes on the dimension of the American man, original and mestizo, whose vicissitudes are extrapolated to other humanity as a whole, which expands and inhabits what here in the North, is called the South, and that is the vast periphery, separated in standard of living and opportunities to the metropolis that is opposed in an asymmetrical relationship unsalvageable. But that in your desalienacion you redeem also their exploiters, humanizing both. At the beginning of the first part of Canto General, and within the first section, love America, we can warn a State of things edenico, paradise, before of the arrival of the conquerors: before the wig and the jacket. This idyllic state of affairs is characterized by the original communion between man and nature, a how permanent and repeated, so established cultural myth that although it touches the limits of the cliche is a transcendental and urgent vindictive horizon: Earth man was, Crock, eyelid / quivering mud, clay form / was Caribbean, chibcha stone Crock. The keys were lost, or flooded of silence or blood fell a red drop into the dense / and a land lamp...

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